8 Bit Bio


Cytokinesis results in the formation of two new daughter cells, and
it divides the cytoplasm between the two new cells.
The organelles from parent cell are also divided between the two new
daughter cells. The daughter cells separate in different ways depending
on if it is an animal cell or a plant cell.

Animal Cells

In animal cells, a contractile ring forms around the center of the cell made from proteins.
This contractile ring then shrinks, pinching the center of the cell in two, resulting in two new cells.

Plant Cells

Since plant cells have a hard cell wall, they can't pinch the cells in two.
What they have to do as a result, is they have to form a cell plate in the center of the cell.
This cell plate grows, resulting in the splitting of the cell and the making of two new cells.

The End?

It is not in fact the end of the cell cycle. The cell cycle is
constantly repeating and restarting itself right from the time
that the cell completes cytokinesis, to the time that the daughter cells
go through cytokinesis. If this cycle wasn't constantly repeated,
growth, repair, and reproduction would be impossible for most, if not
all organisms.