Tyler Sengia


These are some projects that I've built over the years along with explanations of how they work.

Surprise Calculator

I’ve been learning more about Information Science lately and I created a fun widget to visualize information content in text.

Web Piano

While I was stuck at home during peak COVID lock-down, I made a fun little web app that uses Vue and MIDI.

Spider Crab: A Dive Into Async Rust

Last December, I published version 1 of spider-crab on GitHub.

IoT Dashboard: Web Sockets with AWS

For my capstone project at Penn State, I built a React JS single page app (SPA) that used Axios to communicate using an IoT protocol known as oneM2M in realtime.

BLE LED Lights: Another ESP32 Thing

ESP32 based micro-controllers are great for IoT applications, and allow you to use low power communication protocols such as Bluetooth Low Energy.