I hope to collect all versioning strategies I find in the wild and list them here.
I will not include versioning schemes that are not in use by a project, so no thought experiments or spam here.
In a separate, future post, I will give my opinions on each. This page will only be a list.
I will update this page as I find more!
Here’s the list in no particular order:
- Semantic Versioning, also called SemVer.
- Calendar Versioning, also called CalVer.
- 0-based Versioning, also called ZeroVer or zer0ver.
- Hash Versioning, also called HashVer.
- Romantic Versioning, also called RomVer.
- Intended Effort Versioning, also called EffVer.
- Kelvin versioning
- “Convergent” Versioning